Welcome to Upper Wharfedale School

Welcome to Upper Wharfedale School. We are a popular, over-subscribed non-selective school within the selective system of the Craven area. Our students join us from an area of over 200 square miles.

We are proud of our student-centred, inclusive ethos. As a small school we know every student as an individual, encouraging and developing their personal skills, interests and aptitudes.

We prioritise excellence in teaching, whilst having very high expectations of our students. Celebrating all student achievement– academic and otherwise, is at the heart of our school. We assist students to develop their skills, interests and talents;  encouraging moral, social and economic awareness. Our goal is for our students to go on to confidently lead healthy, safe and happy lives as both responsible individuals and caring members of our society.

Our vision is rooted in a relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning;  overcoming any barriers so that each student achieves the best possible outcomes. We design our curriculum carefully to promote high aspirations and skills for lifelong learning and cultural capital within a safe yet challenging environment. According to our most recent Ofsted report (December 2024), the school “provides a wide range of opportunities beyond the classroom” in which “the curriculum meets pupils’ needs” and “teachers make learning interesting for pupils”.

I hope our website will give you a flavour of life at Upper Wharfedale School (UWS) but for a closer look, please make an appointment to visit us and see for yourselves.

Mr I Chapman


Excellence for All

SUCCESSFUL, LIFELONG LEARNERS who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve their full potential, regardless of ability, gender, social/economic background or ethnicity – “Excellence for All”

CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, with confidence in their own abilities and how to use and apply them.

ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who make a positive contribution to society. We value and respect all members of the school community and we demonstrate that every child really does matter by teaching them well and expecting the very best from them.


At Upper Wharfedale School we actively promote Fundamental British Values. These are incorporated into our vision and include:


  • Student leadership team
  • Visits to Parliament
  • Student Surveys
  • Student Voice
  • Involvement in staff appointments

The rule of law

  • Taught in PSHCE and other subjects where relevant
  • Supporting Fair Trade

Individual liberty

  • Be aware of/monitor changes of behaviour which may indicate changes in beliefs
  • Strong PA2L system
  • Student leadership team
  • Taught to support each other and stand up to discrimination

Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • Ethos of the school – part of school life
  • Respect for individual differences
  • Modelling behaviour
  • Setting standards and attitudes and behaviour in school
  • Awareness and tolerance of communities which are different to their own, thus preparing for life in modern Britain
  • Assemblies- both staff and student led
  • PSHCE and RE lessons
  • Challenging extremist attitudes
  • Taught to stand up to discrimination and to understand this is protected by law
  • Visits to different places of worship

We place great emphasis on building positive relationships in school and believe that these values should not just be taught but thoroughly embedded into school life.

We actively support our students to develop into active, responsible citizens who have empathy towards others.


  • Students encouraged to give their views on issues
  • Safeguarding procedures (including prevent training) for all staff
  • Within particular subjects e.g. History, RE, PSHCE and Geography- promotion of tolerance of different views , democracy, parliament and immigration, extremist behaviour and equality and diversity
  • Regular curriculum review
  • All Students take RE GCSE (full or short course)

Visits from representatives from those of different faiths or none.

We believe that equality should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of our school community. Every member of our school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth.

Each year we review our Equality Objectives in light of our context, data and consultation.

For academic year 2022-2023 we will be focusing on:

  • Continuing to welcome and meet the needs of all members of our community as a proud “School of Sanctuary”, where students, staff, visitors and families feel safe, secure and supported
  • Closely monitoring the attainment and progress of students who join us on an in-year transfer; working to secure outstanding achievement for all
  • Closely monitoring the attendance of more vulnerable learners and acting quickly to work to improve this, where attendance is an emerging cause for concern
  • Ensuring that, alongside all students, those with high prior attainment are appropriately challenged and stretched; encouraging them to aim high and be ambitious for their future

Further details about our school’s approach to Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion is detailed in our policy below.