Curriculum Statement
The intent of our food and cookery curriculum is to furnish young people with an appreciation of nutrition and healthy eating; a deep and broad understanding of food, as well as instilling a love of cooking. Learning how to cook healthy, tasty and economical meals is a crucial life skill everyone should be taught.
Throughout their time at secondary school, we aim to encourage increasingly independent learning and responsibility through practical participation. The department teaches students a wider understanding of environmental impacts of food production and an understanding of sustainable choices such as: seasonal, local foods, the importance of food provenance, as well as the scourge of food waste.
Our students also learn about multicultural foods which enhances students’ understanding of different cultures and religions in the UK, leading to a more liberal and tolerant attitude towards others.

The department has a strong focus and drive to develop independent learners promote high standards of academic achievement through making and evaluating dishes. The department has a strong belief that all students should be independent enabling our students to develop personal responsibility and self-motivation and to consider the needs of others. This equips our students with the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life.
Key Stage 3 follows the National Curriculum programme for Cooking and Nutrition in years 7, 8 and 9. Students will gain an understanding of how to apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet following the principles of the Eat well Guide. Students are taught the skills of how to prepare and cook a diverse selection of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques. They will gain an understanding of the term seasonality and how this can be applied to menu choices. Students will acquire extensive knowledge of where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. Students will also be aware of taste, texture and smell and how to season and combine ingredients; with opportunities to adapt and use their own recipes in Key Stage 4. The curriculum aims to foster a lifelong interest in food, nutrition, and cookery.
The impact of the KS3 programme will: give students’ confidence to prepare and cook food from scratch; give them sound knowledge about food and nutrition which will be useful throughout childhood and adulthood; develop further interest to explore food and cookery throughout life. The Food Key Stage 3 programme will cross over and enhance students’ understanding of other academic subjects such as mathematics and science. The course allows for creativity, innovation and problem solving allowing students to make informed choices about food, diet and understand budgeting and value for money. It also allows for students to work as a team with their peers in practical lessons, leading to increased confidence within the kitchen environment.
Hazards in the Food Environment | This unit looks at the basic health and safety within a kitchen environment. Learners are able to identify hazards, enabling them to be able to keep themselves safe. Knife skills are taught (Bridge & Claw). |
Eat Well Guide | This unit looks at the Eat Well Guide, learners will focus on the five sections of the guide and how they fit into our daily diet. |
Macronutrients & Micronutrients | This unit develops the deeper understanding linking to the Eat Well Guide. Learners look at how different nutrients work within our bodies to maintain a healthy body. |
Special Dietary Needs/Requirements | This unit looks at the different dietary needs/requirements linked to different age groups. The unit also looks at the fourteen allergies that people can develop. |
Staple foods from around the world | This unit introduces learners to different foods from around the world, learners look at what each country grows/eaten as their staple food within each countries diet. |
Nutrition. (Traffic Light System) | This unit will look at the nutritional information found on food packages. Learners will look at how this information can be used to influence they choice when buying food products. |
Functions of bread | This unit learners will look at the different types of flour and how this can have an impact of the finished bread product. The learners will also look at Yeast Investigation using a simple experiment to enforce their learning. |
Raising Agents | This unit learners will look at the different types of raising agents and link this to the function of cake making. |
Function of Eggs | This unit learners will look at the different types of eggs which consumers can buy. The different uses that eggs have within our diet and the different cooking methods that eggs can be used for. |
Food Poisoning Bacterium | This unit learners will be looking at the different types of food poisoning bacterium. They will look at the way in which it can be prevented, the signs and symptoms of someone with food poisoning. How to store, cook and reheat. Looking at the danger zone (5-63 0C) |
Foods from Around the World and Cultural Cuisine | This unit learners will look at the different foods around the world and will build on their prior knowledge. Learners will look at the cultural cuisine which is available to them locally. |
Types of Cooking methods | This unit learners will build on their prior knowledge linking to the variety of international dishes and the variety of cooking methods required to produce these dishes. |
Food Preparation Techniques | This unit learners will look at how the preparation and presentation of their dishes has on the consumer. |
Meat replacements – protein sources | This unit learners will look at how replacement products for meat are a good source of protein and why there is a media campaign to get consumers to try these meat replacements products. |
Key Stage 4 WJEC Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering
Students in Key Stage 4 study over two years following the WJEC Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering.
Building upon KS3 curriculum, KS4 students will develop the transferable skills of organisation and independence essential in future adult life. It will allow students to practice increasingly more complex skills and develop more in-depth knowledge and understanding of Food, to meet the needs of the different units of the Hospitality and Catering Course (NEA and external exam).
The vocational course is split into two units of work.
Unit 1 40% The Hospitality and Catering Industry
Unit 1 looks at the Hospitality and Catering Industry. This is theory based and students will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge relating to understanding the Hospitality and Catering industry. Students will look at the structure of the industry, analyse job roles and working conditions, examine the factors affecting the success of the industry and learn in-depth, about food hygiene and safety; how types of food poisoning are caused and how to reduce incidences of them. This unit is delivered throughout the two years to give the students a sound overall understanding to enable them to achieve their full potential in their external exam.
Unit 2 60% Hospitality and Catering in Action
Unit 2 involves Hospitality and Catering in Action. This unit is coursework based and assessed internally, culminating in a 3 hour practical exam supported by a written portfolio. The course is designed to enable students to gain a good foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills that are required by the Hospitality and Catering industry. Students will develop a variety of food preparation and cooking skills, organisation, time management, planning, communication and problem solving.
The impact of the KS4 curriculum, will be increased confidence and independence in organising self, making decisions on menu choices and adapt dishes to suit own and other’s needs. The course will increase opportunities to opt for food related FE/HE courses or work within the H&C industry.
In summary, the department has a strong focus and drive to teach students a high quality and meticulously planned programme of study which promotes high standards of academic achievement in summative, external assessments, leading to a respected vocational qualification. The department has a strong belief that all students should become increasingly independent, leading to improved personal responsibility and self-motivation and to consider the needs of others. This further equips our students with the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life.
KS3: All students are formerly assessed at the end of each topic. These are in form of teacher feedback and verbal feedback, peer and self-assessed.
KS4: All students complete each section of the components of each unit. Each component is marked to the exam board criteria, either internally or externally, unit depending.
KS3: Due to the practical nature of Food Tech homework will be set as/when necessary.
KS4: Homework will on be set during preparation for the external exam. The remaining coursework will be completed in controlled conditions in school.
Outside of school day, our students have the opportunity to compete in the Rotary Young Chef Competition, where they work to create a two course meal within a budget, prepare and cook their dishes and present to a selection of chefs within the local area. Students, if successful have the opportunity to compete in Regional and National Finals.