Upper Wharfedale is an outstanding school

Upper Wharfedale School was last inspected in June 2019, which confirmed that the school is "outstanding" in all areas. Below are some examples of the strong practice noted by the inspection team and you can read the full report on the Ofsted website.
"The headteacher, supported by governors, leaders and staff, has developed an exceptional learning culture within the school”
“Leaders are uncompromising in their ambition for pupils”
“Leaders have designed a vibrant and rich curriculum which meets the needs of pupils extremely well”
“Pupils’ outcomes are truly outstanding in the widest sense”
“Teachers use their excellent subject knowledge to plan learning that will challenge pupils, capture their interests and meet their differing learning needs”
“Leaders show extraordinary care for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)”
"Pupils feel very safe and well cared for and parents and carers agree"
"Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent and underpins the happy, caring and inclusive ethos of the school”
“Pupils are hard-working, resilient and confident young people”
“The principles of equality and respect permeate every aspect of the life of the school”
“Governors add considerable strength to the leadership of the school. They are passionate advocates”
“Teachers have the highest of expectations for every pupil in their care”
“Caring, respectful relationships characterise all classrooms”
“A rich diversity of activities capture pupils’ imaginations and help them to learn successfully”
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding”
“Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary”
“Pupils are very proud of their school, with a palpable sense of belonging and community”
“Pupils’ understanding of fundamental British values is strong and underpinned by action”
“Pupils benefit from a strong programme of careers activities and guidance”
“Behaviour is exemplary”
“Pupils are happy and involved in their learning”