Upper Wharfedale is an outstanding school

Upper Wharfedale School was last inspected in December 2024, which confirmed that the school remains as "outstanding".
Below are some examples of the strong practice noted by the inspection team and you can read the full report on the Ofsted website.
“Teachers make learning interesting for pupils by providing different ways to learn”
“More pupils now study a language at GCSE level”
“The school provides a wide range of opportunities beyond the classroom”
“The school makes sure pupils have the care and support they need”
“There is a sense of safety and belonging in this school”
“Staff and pupils know who to talk to when they have a concern”
"Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when online"
"Older pupils act as reading buddies and help their peers become more confident when reading aloud”
“The curriculum meets pupils’ needs”
“Teachers check pupils’ understanding regularly”
“Pupils with SEND achieve well”
“The governing body is effective in holding school leaders to account”
“The arrangements for safeguarding are effective”