We are dedicated to providing positive outcomes throughout every student’s academic career and we encourage families to actively support us in this. We believe that every learner is entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
The school’s success is built on our belief in values of respect for self and others, coupled with a positive attitude, which means that each student wants to make a positive contribution to their school community.
Our student support system is based on the role of the form tutor, who has immediate responsibility for the progress, behaviour, development and academic success of each student in their care. The form tutor is the first contact should there be any concerns about a student’s welfare.
The Student Support team have responsibility for the pastoral care of students and the Student Support Officers should be the next point of contact after the form tutor.
The school expects and maintains high standards of behaviour. This creates a safe and secure learning environment where all students can thrive. We operate a zero tolerance approach to bullying and in the rare cases where this happens, staff deal quickly and effectively with all parties. If reported, all disagreements are dealt with and followed up with home.
We support our students in having their voices heard and include the views of the students in their own teaching and learning.
We promote our students in taking on leadership roles and our School Leadership team is testament to this. Students throughout the school are encouraged to represent their form group and be involved in school decision-making.
Our Student Support Team

Mrs H Mukherjee
Assistant Headteacher – SENCO
Subjects: Science – PSHCE -Geography
I started working at Upper Wharfedale in September 1998 and I am very proud that this is my place of work. The school knows and values every individual, creating a safe and secure environment which ensures strong progress for all.

Mrs J Laidler-Smith
SEN Inclusion Coordinator
Since joining UWS in 2013 my main aim has always been to make a difference by promoting an inclusive environment for all of our students. Our work in the Learning Support Department is pivotal in enabling students to be the best individuals they can be now and for their future pathway.

Ms T Zaman
Student Support Coordinator & Cover Supervisor
I joined UWS in 2014 as an LSA and thoroughly enjoyed working to support students academically but wanted to support them holistically, I am now a Student Support Officer and Cover supervisor. I feel honoured and proud to be a part of these young peoples journey, joining us as children and leaving us in year 11 as confident young adults.

Mr N Headington
Student Support Officer
I have joined UWS in 2023 as LSA, working with students to reach their potential. In 2024, I have recently been promoted to become a Student Support Officer and working in the Student Support department.

Mrs S Newall
KS3 Leader & Subject Leader
Subjects: Art & Design
I am delighted to be teaching Art and design to all pupils at Upper Wharfedale school. I hope to share my passion of Art and the visual world through an exciting and creative curriculum. In leading the KS3 students at Upper Wharfedale, I endeavour to support Mr Chapman and the SLT team in providing a safe and supportive school environment where students strengths and successes can be celebrated and their diversity is recognised and respected.

Mr A Jackson
KS4 Leader & Subject Leader
Subjects: Geography
The geography department aims to create a positive climate in which students are given a variety of opportunities to achieve excellence. Having been at UWS since 2007, I am proud to lead such an outstanding department with consistent sustained success in both student progress and achieving the Geographical Associations award for secondary geography. I am also proud to become a Key Stage leader to support KS4 students and the wider SLT team.