We work very closely with our primary school partners to create a smooth and stress-free transition to Upper Wharfedale School.
In addition to a variety of sporting and other activities arranged for primary children throughout the year, all students are visited during the summer term by a member of the Student Support team. Class teachers are spoken to and individual information is gathered about each child joining us in September.
A series of family workshops are held during the summer term, when parents and students can come along and experience taster lessons at Upper Wharfedale in advance of the transition day held towards the end of June.
A Parent Information Evening is held during September, during which parents and carers are introduced to school systems, e-safety and curriculum detail and we gather their opinions on the transition process so that we can evaluate and modify our practice.
This additional Parents’ Evening in the Autumn term is to establish an effective partnership between home and individual subject teachers.
Welcome to Upper Wharfedale School
Here is a welcome message from Mr Taylor and some of the students in order to prepare our new Year 7 cohort for their new school.
Our overriding aim is to ensure that our students achieve everything that they are capable of – their ‘Personal Best’ – from Year 7 through to Year 11 and beyond.
SUCCESSFUL, LIFELONG LEARNERS who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve their full potential, regardless of ability, gender, social/economic background or ethnicity – “Excellence for All”
CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, with confidence in their own abilities and how to use and apply them.
ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who make a positive contribution to society. We value and respect all members of the school community and we demonstrate that every child really does matter by teaching them well and expecting the very best from them.
It is also very important to us that students enjoy their time here. We have a caring and supportive school environment in which we recognise every student as an individual, with different needs and previous experiences. We work hard to make sure we support and nurture successful, happy and confident learners who achieve in the widest sense of the word, not just academically. This begins with our transition process from primary school.
The most important partnerships to us are those built between school and home. By working together we can most effectively prepare and support students to achieve all that they can. We look forward to getting to know you as parents and carers over the coming months and years. Upper Wharfedale has high aspirations for every child and we endeavour to inspire ambition for all. We work hard to develop and innovate our learning and teaching experiences and put inspirational and inclusive learning at the heart of all we do.
We continually develop our curriculum to be responsive to student needs, developing skills for life and work in a global twenty first century and invest in the professional development of our staff to keep ourselves at the cutting edge of development.
We hope you find out everything you need to know about the school before September, but if you do have any questions at all at any point, then please contact us.
Mr A Taylor
Meet the Team
Mrs Mukherjee will be virtually visiting your primary school during May and June to meet you.
Form tutors are the first point of contact should you or your parents have any concerns.
Transition Coordinator

Mrs H Mukherjee
Assistant Headteacher - SENCO
Subjects: Science - PSHCE -Geography
I started working at Upper Wharfedale in September 1998 and I am very proud that this is my place of work. The school knows and values every individual, creating a safe and secure environment which ensures strong progress for all.
Student Support Coordinator
Inclusion Coordinator

Mrs J Laidler-Smith
SEN Inclusion Coordinator
Since joining UWS in 2013 my main aim has always been to make a difference by promoting an inclusive environment for all of our students. Our work in the Learning Support Department is pivotal in enabling students to be the best individuals they can be now and for their future pathway.
Form Tutor

Mr A Jackson
Subject Leader
Subjects: Business - Geography
The geography department aims to create a positive climate in which students are given a variety of opportunities to achieve excellence. Having been at UWS since 2007, I am proud to lead such an outstanding department with consistent sustained success in both student progress and achieving the Geographical Associations award for secondary geography.
Form Tutor

Mrs B Eggleton
Subjects: Maths
I have been teaching Maths for a very long time, and have been at UWS since 2009. I grew up in Northern Ireland so although I am not originally from the Dales, this is my local school now and I am passionate about being part of its success story.
Form Tutor

Mrs D Cliffe
Subjects: Maths
I joined UWS Mathematics Department in September 2016. I enjoy working as part of a dynamic team aiming to instill a deeper understanding and passion for the subject.
Ways to support your child in the transition from primary school
Parent Portal
We use a Parent Portal called My Child at School (MCAS) which enables parents to view their child’s academic performance in real-time via a web browser or app on a phone or tablet.
My Child At School provides:
- Access to real-time attendance, assessment and behavioural data.
- An insight to parents on their child’s schoolwork and homework.
- Communication facilities to improve contact between parents and schools.
- Instant access to published reports and letters.
- Options to purchase items, join clubs or book trips.
- Pay for dinner money.
To login you’ll need the school ID: 12288
View the My Child at School Website on your desktop, laptop or tablet.
iOS App
Follow the link to download the My Child at School App
Android App
Follow the link to download the My Child at School App
Student Portal
During the week beginning 21st June details will be sent for your child of how to log onto their UWS Online Learning Platform account. This includes access to the UWS Portal, Emails and Homework Assignments.
They will be set some small challenges to try to complete and once they have visited school some transition activities will be sent using Microsoft Teams.
Once your child’s email address is set up, they will also receive an email asking them to log on to the student portal, which will be needed in September to allow them to view their timetable, homework, behaviour and bookmarks to frequently used sites.
Year 7 Timetable
We operate a two week timetable, known as ‘Week A’ and ‘Week B’. The lessons your son/daughter attends will vary from week to week.
There are 25 x 60-minute periods in each 5-day week. In Year 7 the 2-week timetable consists of:
Subjects | Periods | Subjects | Periods |
Art & Design | 2 | ICT | 2 |
English | 7 | Maths | 7 |
Food Technology | 2 | Performing Arts | 4 |
French | 4 | Physical Education | 4 |
History | 3 | Resistant Materials | 2 |
PSHE | 2 | Science | 6 |
R.E | 2 | Geography | 3 |
Pastoral Care
The Form Tutor will be your first contact should you have any concerns about your child’s welfare.
Each student’s care is organised through their form tutor. The tutor’s role is to maintain a positive attitude towards the student and develop a relationship that enables the tutor to monitor, support and influence their progress, performance and good behaviour. To this end, both tutors and tutor groups meet during assembly and at tutor time each day. Students are able to seek help and guidance from their personal tutor and parents are encouraged to maintain regular contact with them.
A parents’ evening is arranged for year 7 during the academic year when parents are able to visit school to speak to staff. Should you need to speak to your child’s tutor at any other time, please contact the school office who will endeavour to arrange contact with your child’s form tutor.
Transition Days & Parents' Evening
Transition Days
UWS is running two transitions days this year and you’ll be invited to attend one of these depending on the school you currently attend.
24th June 2021
- Boyle & Petyt
- Threshfield
- Kettlewell
- Grassington
- Carleton
- Christ Church
- Cracoe
- Bradley
- Burnsall
- Montessori
1st July 2021
- Water Street
- Parish
- St Stephens
- Gargrave
- Embsay
- Greatwood
The aim of the these days is to help familiarise students with what life will be like at Upper Wharfedale School through various exciting activities which will be run throughout the day.
Details of the main bus routes can be found on www.northyorks.gov.uk/schooltransport. If you are in your school uniform you will be allowed on free for this day only. Please note, you will need to wear a face mask on the school bus.
You need to wear your primary school uniform and bring a packed lunch, pen, pencil and face mask with you.
Transition Events
Year 6 Transition Day
Upper Wharfedale School Wharfeside Avenue, Skipton, North Yorkshire, United KingdomTransition Workshops
We are delivering a series of family workshops for Year 6 students who are coming to our school in September, to help with the transition.
The workshops will run from 4:00pm until 5:30pm and will include varied activities to enable students in Year 6 to sample the types of lessons and learning that goes on at Upper Wharfedale School.
These workshops will run in addition to the transition day and will give them additional opportunities to meet the staff and other students. The move from primary to secondary school can be stressful for both children and parents and with this in mind, we would like to extend this invitation to parents to attend the workshops on offer.
Date | Workshops |
Thursday 13 June 2019 | Food Technology & Maths |
Wednesday 19 June 2019 | Performing Arts & Science |
Wednesday 26 June 2019 | English & History |