Upper Wharfedale School values the abilities and achievements of all its students and is committed to providing the best possible environment for learning for all.
All teachers at Upper Wharfedale School are teachers of students with special educational needs (SEN) and are committed to identifying and providing for their needs within an inclusive environment. We recognise the entitlement for all students to a balanced, broad curriculum. It is encompassed in teachers’ planning and in curriculum area policies that all teachers will deliver a differentiated curriculum, as outlined in our school provision maps and class overviews.
The named SEN co-ordinator for the school is Mrs H Mukherjee.
The Inclusion Coordinator is Mrs J Laidler-Smith.
The named SEN Governor is Mr R Carr.
You can contact our SENCO, Mrs H Mukherjee and Inclusion Co-Ordinator, Mrs J Laidler-Smith using the contact us page.
Further information about our SEN provision can be found in the policy documents below.
SEN Management Team

Mrs H Mukherjee
Assistant Headteacher - SENCO
Subjects: Science - PSHCE -Geography
I started working at Upper Wharfedale in September 1998 and I am very proud that this is my place of work. The school knows and values every individual, creating a safe and secure environment which ensures strong progress for all.

Mrs J Laidler-Smith
SEN Inclusion Coordinator
Since joining UWS in 2013 my main aim has always been to make a difference by promoting an inclusive environment for all of our students. Our work in the Learning Support Department is pivotal in enabling students to be the best individuals they can be now and for their future pathway.
Learning Support Team

Mr C Bean
Learning Support Assistant
Having been a past student and now having worked at UWS since 2008, I’ve seen the school gain momentum year by year. I mainly support students in the PE Department. I set out to express my enthusiasm for sport and hopefully the students see and respond to that. What makes me happy is seeing children from all walks of life getting on with anyone – very evident here at Upper Wharfedale.

Mrs J Carroll
Learning Support Assistant
I joined Upper Wharfedale School in 2007. My role as a Learning Support Assistant is to provide support and guidance to every student throughout their secondary school years.

Mrs A Geldard
Learning Support Assistant
I have worked at UWS from 2008. I very much enjoy helping, encouraging and coaxing our students to become confident, capable and considerate young adults.

Mrs L Gibson
Cover Supervisor
I have worked at UWS since September 2005 and my role is cover supervisor. It is great to be part of an inclusive school and I enjoy working with students of all abilities and supporting them to achieve their targets and goals.

Mrs S Harhoff
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs S Pawson
Learning Support Assistant
I started at UWS in 2022 which will be my first time being an LSA following a long nursing career. I’ve already experienced so many positive things and essentially how the staff here values and knows every student, focusing on wellbeing and personalized achievements. The staff here are incredibly proactive and passionate towards supporting everyone, and feels very much a whole school approach.

Mrs L Plummer
Learning Support Assistant
I joined UWS in September 2009. It is great to be a part of this wonderfully inclusive school.

Mrs J Wiseman
Learning Support Assistant
I’m proud to have worked at UWS since 1993. It is a constant pleasure to be part of the team that enable our students to achieve their very best, and to watch them grow into confident, capable and independent young adults

Mrs L Taylor
Literacy and Support Coordinator
Initially, I visited UWS as a regular supply teacher in the English Department. I am now based in the LRC as the Literacy and Support Coordinator. I support students in their personalised intervention sessions, helping them to improve literacy skills and develop a love of reading and learning beyond the classroom.

Miss H Pearson
Learning Support Assistant
I joined UWS in December 2022. I enjoy working with students of all abilities and helping them achieve all their goals while at Upper Wharfedale School. The staff here are passionate about supporting all students and I am excited to join their team.

Miss C Edwards
Learning Support Assistant
I enjoy working within the family of Upper Wharfedale School. I am approachable, easy to work with and understanding.

Mrs L Day
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs N Wiseman
Learning Support Assistant
I started working at UWS in September 2024 and my passion is to help students flourish. My children have all attended UWS so I know how much of a great school it is, so to work here is a huge honour.

Mrs K Foster
Learning Support Assistant
I joined the team here at Upper Wharfedale School in Sept 24. Having been a past student I feel honoured to be a part of an excellent school and work alongside a great team. I love being able to help each student and support them in achieving their goals as they go through their school years.