Curriculum Statement



ICT Suite





Students focus on ...

In year 7 the students learn the importance of file management and are introduced to Cloud Technology through their school email. The students are introduced to Scratch, a creative and fun application that provides scope for imagination and at the same time are trained to work accurately with programming blocks. As soon as the students are familiar with the school network and confident in their ICT skills they move on to a graphics project. The project is divided into two sections to learn about bitmap images as well as line vector images. The students once again are able to be creative but also understand the importance of working carefully and sequencing instructions in the correct order. The students are taught how to evidence the development of their work as well as obtain feedback to assist the development process.

In year 8 the students develop their spreadsheet skills. The ability to transfer a paper based system to an electronic one is a key skill. Students must use the correct formulae, use suitable formatting and choose the most appropriate graph to display the data. The students also are introduced to business skills using business terminology of cost, income, profit and loss. The students learn financial life skills and how a spreadsheet can help with planning their own personal finances in later years.

In year 9 the students work on a project titled ‘The History of Computing’ encompassing the life and work of Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage and the work undertaken at Bletchley Park with Alan Turing. The students develop research and study skills and are encouraged to write directly from their own understanding and knowledge. This project is finalised by presenting their work to a high standard. The students move onto a further project which encompasses hardware, programming, binary and cyber threats. The two projects come together when the students are taught how to build a website in order to exhibit both projects into their own e-portfolio website.

KS4 (BTEC Digital Information Technology)

Students in KS4 have the option to study Digital Information Technology where they will be assessed under three different components. These components have been designed to demonstrate application of the conceptual knowledge underpinning the sector through realistic tasks and activities. This style of assessment promotes deep learning through ensuring the connection between knowledge and practice.

Components 1 and 2 are assessed through non-exam internal assessment.

Component 3 is assessed through an external exam-based assessment. The design of this external assessment ensures that there is sufficient stretch and challenge, enabling the assessment of knowledge and understanding at the end of the learning period.


KS3: Skills and knowledge are marked to ensure progress is taking place throughout the term. Each student presents their evidence in a portfolio of work.  Where accumulative projects are set this is marked on completion of the project. 

KS4: Students will complete the following component assessments, as described below.

Learners will develop their understanding of what makes an effective user interface and how to effectively manage a project. They will use this understanding to plan, design and create a user interface.

Learners will understand the characteristics of data and information and how they help organisations in decision making. They will use data manipulation methods to create a dashboard to present and draw conclusions from information.

Learners will explore how organisations use digital systems and the wider implications associated with their use.

  • Component 1: Internal assessment – externally moderated
  • Component 2: Internal assessment – externally moderated
  • Component 3: External assessment (90 minutes)


KS3: Homework will be given at regular intervals and will make use of resources on GCSE pod.

KS4: Homework at KS4 will be built around deadlines for completion of coursework tasks and will be given at appropriate times throughout the year. 

Support at Home

Share your own ICT/tablet skills with your child. Help them see the practical aspects of ICT at home e.g. managing household bills online.

Additional Support in school and/or resources

Access to the ICT room at break times/lunchtimes. Use of free programmes where suitable so pupils can continue developing skills at home. E.g. Python, Ability to download Microsoft Office with their Office 365 email address.


The ICT room is available every lunchtime for all year groups to use for homework, coursework or any other ICT skill practice. 

Deep Learning Days are used throughout each year to ensure all students can be active and safe citizens of the online world. We develop their understanding of how to stay safe in all aspects of their online life as well as the different type of threats to the security of their data and online existence.