Curriculum Statement















PSHCEe incorporates the study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education with Citizenship. Students are allocated 2 hours per fortnight to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to keep themselves safe and healthy; in preparation for life and work in modern Britain. Skills and attributes such as team working, critical thinking, risk management and self-esteem form an integral part of the lessons.

Students focus on ...

In year 7, students cover the following topics within the three core themes of PSHE: 

Living in the wider world 


Health and Wellbeing 

Transition and careers (including different types of jobs, reflecting on own interests and researching jobs) 

RSE – puberty, periods, personal (including dental) hygiene* 

*links to health and well being 

Negative effects of smoking  

The laws, health effects of smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes (including passive smoking) 

Personal Finance (how to create a budget, and the benefits of using one, the importance of saving and money management) 


Organ donation 

The importance of organ and tissue donation, including how to address loss and bereavement through case studies 

*Links to Relationships 

In year 8, students cover the following topics within the three core themes of PSHE: 

Living in the wider world 


Health and Wellbeing 


Using the Start website, researching jobs tailored to individual interests, and apprenticeships 

RSE – different types of relationships, qualities in future partners, Self- esteem*, body image*, effects of social media and the media*, staying safe online 

*links to health and well being 

Negative effects of alcohol and Volatile Substance Abuse 

Health effects of excessive alcohol consumption, UK laws around alcohol, the dangers of volatile substance abuse 

Personal finance   

The importance of budgeting in a family, different methods of payment such as debit and credit cards 




Human Rights 

Exploring the history of human rights, and how these have been abused through case studies 



In year 9, students cover the following topics within the three core themes of PSHE: 

Living in the wider world 


Health and Wellbeing 

Careers (GCSE choices, Employability skills, preparation for work, writing a CV) 

RSE – contraception*, STIs*, sexting, the law, consent, homophobia*  

*links to health and wellbeing 

The dangers of drugs – including different classes of drugs, the effects and laws with possession and supply, peer pressure 

British Values – including online safety, the dangers of radicalisation and extremism* (and how the process can begin) + the pyramid of hate 

*links to health and wellbeing 



Personal Finance – including money management, savings, benefits, the economy 




PSHE is run through Deep learning days, assemblies and tutor times in year 10 and 11. The topics covered build on prior content covered at key stage 3. 

Living in the wider world 


Health and Wellbeing 

Careers Delivered through careers week in year 10. Includes mock interviews with employers, writing application forms and updating CVs from year 8. 

RSE – Grooming*, Domestic Abuse*, FGM*, the laws and misconceptions about sexual relationships through pornography 

*links to health and wellbeing 

Knife crime the laws around carrying knives/blades + exploring the dangers using case studies 

Refugee education + Prevent 

GCSE RE Different Christian and non-religious attitudes to: marriage, divorce, families, sexual relationships*, homosexuality and contraception* 

*links to health and wellbeing 

Resilience linked to GCSE pressures and how to handle upcoming changes as they move towards life outside school 

E-safety with police involvement* *links to health and wellbeing 




KS3: Work is peer assessed, self assessed and teacher assessed, with a focus on skills and knowledge rather than grades.




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