School Uniform
Upper Wharfedale School uniform is a bottle green sweatshirt with a white polo shirt, both with the school logo on, and black skirt or trousers and black shoes. In Year 11 students can wear black sweatshirts.
In addition, all students must wear an ID card and lanyard to identify them and use various services around school.
The full uniform policy can be found here.
School Uniform Suppliers

Skip to School
32/34 Water Street
North Yorkshire
BD23 1PB
T: 01756 229002
All students should come to school with the equipment required for the lessons that they have on that day, i.e. black pens, green pen, purple pen, pencils, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, pencil crayons or felt-tip pens and their reading book.
All students must wear their ID card and lanyard every day as they allow access to school, printers and payment for lunches.
Students should have a reading book with them at all times.
Equipment and replacement ID can be purchased from the AV room at break or lunch times.
Students may also find the following helpful:
English: A Pocket English Dictionary, (e.g. Collins or Oxford) A Pocket Thesaurus
French: Collins French Pocket Dictionary, New Edition.
Maths: A scientific calculator, a protractor and a pair of compasses should be brought to every lesson. These can be purchased from the maths department.
All school clothing and other items of equipment should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
Lost Property
Please remember to label your child’s uniform and equipment, where possible. There is a lost property area in the corridor between the main office and the school hall, which students are able to check for any items they have mislaid.
Once a term the lost property is checked for any named items and we endeavour to return these items to their rightful owners. Any unnamed items are disposed of in the Rag Bag textile recycle bin.
Mobile Phones
We may bring mobile phones / tablets to school at our own risk. These may be used only as learning tools under the direction of the teacher or in an emergency situation.