A very warm welcome to Friends of Upper Wharfedale School
Our aim is to help the school to provide additional equipment and resources, which the school budget will not often stretch to, in order to enhance the education of our children.
The activities and events which we organise help to improve links between parents/carers, children and the school staff to encourage a team spirit to work towards a common goal.
As Upper Wharfedale is a small school, we feel we need an “all hands on deck” approach to help our children receive the best education possible. The Committee is well supported by staff and parents alike and we have input from the Student Leadership Team who often attend meetings to share ideas from a student perspective.
I am proud to say that “Friends” are very well supported by the local community. Shops and businesses are very generous in their donations of raffle prizes and are always willing to help with the promotion of our fundraising events.
Our Committee is made up of:
Chair: Mrs J Lancaster
Vice Chair: Mr I Chapman
Treasurer: Mr N Wain
Members: Mrs C Oakes, Mrs L Roddis, Mrs C Johnston
We meet on the second Monday of the month in the school library from 6 pm – please do feel free to pop along to hear in more detail about what we do. We would love to hear your suggestions. If you can’t make the meetings but would like to help in other ways by baking, helping out at events, please get in touch below.
Latest News

Friends Curry & Quiz Night
Friends of Upper Wharfedale School are hosting a Curry and Quiz night at the Fountaine Inn, Linton on the 28th February from 7pm. Tickets can be purchased from the UWS

Friends Curry & Quiz Night
UWS Friends are proud to announce our Curry & Quiz Night is back for 2019. Join us at The Fountaine Inn, Linton on the 29th March from 8:00pm to 10:30pm.

Auction of Promises
The Friends of Upper Wharfedale School are once again auctioning off promises of all varieties to help raise funds for Schools. Fancy improving your singing voice? Or how about Trekking

Auction of Promises Donation Request
Friends of UWS are holding an auction of promises in November and need you to pledge your time, talents and expertise to make it a success. Suggestions of pledges could
Supported Projects

Bradford Trip
£300 towards travel for a RE trip to Bradford

Interactive Whiteboards
£3000 towards new Interaction Whiteboards for French & Design Technology.

The Big Dig
£100 for participation in The Big Dig

School Christmas Dinner
£400 for the Christmas Dinner enjoyed by all students.

F1 in Schools
Transport to the F1 in Schools competition in Silverstone.