Upper Wharfedale students and staff are celebrating following the publication of this year’s GCSE results.

‘We are delighted with outcomes achieved by Upper Wharfedale students, and on behalf of all our staff, I’d like to congratulate each and every one of them’, said Headteacher Ian Chapman. ‘This cohort have been through a lot since starting with us. They’ve had to deal with the with the challenges of the pandemic and with this, interruptions to their normal school life. Despite all of this, our students and staff have coped brilliantly, and many students have achieved results above their already high expectations.’

‘I am full of admiration for their commitment, as well as that of their teachers and support staff. Most importantly, the vast majority of students have achieved the results necessary for their chosen courses in September and I am certain that they will go onto be hugely successful in their studies and chosen careers.’

‘Students who have joined us from the Ukraine in 2022, also collected GCSE results this morning, results included good passes in English and Maths’.  


Ian Chapman – Headteacher

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