In the event of Upper Wharfedale School having to provide remote learning for students due to a full or partial closure, will follow the procedures below.
A online platform called Office 365 is used by UWS and will be your main point of contact with teaching staff while remote learning is taking place. The platform will also continue to be in use when all students return to school, as it was prior to the pandemic. For this reason, all remote learning can be accessed from the first day of any student having to self-isolate or in the event of full or partial closure.
The full curriculum, as found on our school website, will be followed in the event of students learning remotely, and all students will be provided with the same amount of learning hours as they would receive in school.
Accessing Remote Learning
Please follow the ‘Online Learning‘ guide to access our school Office 365 platform. All students already have a login for this system, which is linked to their in school account.
Students are also asked to register for self password reset, meaning you do not need to contact school to reset your password.
Guides to using the system can be found in the UWS Portal Helpdesk, which is linked to from the students portal address after signing in. This included guides to using Microsoft Teams assignments.
If students find it difficult to access the remote learning, you should contact school and we will contact you in order to assist. We have issued a number of devices to those who did not have access to an appropriate device or internet and will do our upmost to support those in need.
We recognise that some students, for example those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may not be able to access remote learning without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families and will work with parents and carers on an individual basis to support students. Learning Support Assistants are assigned to relevant classes and will support students on an individual basis, through intervention sessions and via direct online support during lessons. A number of students with SEND remain in school for direct adult support with their learning.
Live Lessons
The majority of lessons will be delivered ‘live’ via Microsoft Teams, which will follow the normal school timetable. Students will find these lessons in their Teams calendar.
Students who are self-isolating whilst others are in school will access the classroom virtually via a meeting invitation.
In the event of a full or partial closure, all students will be provided with live lessons to access from home (or in the case of key worker or vulnerable students, from school.) These may be for the full hour lesson, or with teachers providing an introduction and students then completing an assignment. The teachers will be available to answer questions throughout the timetabled lesson time.
We expect all students to follow their timetable and access all lessons at the appropriate time. Attendee lists are taken for each lesson and parents/carers contacted if there are frequent absences, as we would under normal circumstances.
Further Help
Online Learning Guide
This guide will help your student get logged in to our online learning platform, Office 365, including Teams.
Remote Learning Tips
Tips on learning from home, from planning your day or working in a good environment, to getting better connected at home.
Helping your child
Guidance and tips on helping your child at home. This includes key words used in subjects and how to find information online to help with your studies.
Remote Learning Policy
The UWS School Policy for Remote Learning.