On Monday 5th July, a major project will be starting at Upper Wharfedale School to refurbish the Swimming Pool building. UWS is very proud to provide a swimming pool facility not only to our students, but also to our local community. However, maintaining such a facility takes a lot of school resources, so we are pleased to report that North Yorkshire County Council have agreed to fund a swimming pool building refurbishment, which will be followed by further improvements undertaken by school to refresh the pool hall and provide the excellent experience we are always striving to achieve.

The main project is being led by North Yorkshire County Council and undertaken by the main contactor Simpsons (York) Ltd. Work will start on the 5th July and is expected to be completed in the Autumn term. The work includes replacing the main pool hall roof, heating and ventilation system, all electrical and drainage systems as well as replacing windows and wall cladding. This will significantly improve the pool hall atmosphere, whilst also reducing the running costs for the school.
Upper Wharfedale School will then complete further improvements to the swimming pool facilities, including the changing rooms and corridors leading to the pool hall.
The pool at Upper Wharfedale School is a huge benefit to all our students and the wider community, who will continue to have access to this facility through our lettings management company. If you wish to express interest in doing this, please get in touch.
We expect to have the newly refurbished pool to re-open in the second half of 2021.